Wanderer's Respite logo

Wanderer's Respite «REST» is a small, casual Free Company located in Halicarnassus on the Dynamis Data Center.

  • 24/7 Buffs

  • LGBTQ+ Friendly

  • Prize Box

  • FC Estate w/ Workshop

  • Omnicrafters

Wanderer's Respite aims to foster an environment where all members feel valued and included. Our ranks are open to all members of the FFXIV community—regardless of skill level or story progression.Interests throughout the FC range from MSQ progression to crafting/gathering to running high-end content. We are always willing to lend a helping hand, and always hoping to learn something new!Whether you're a seasoned vet or new to MMOs, you'll find a place here.To join, send a member an in-game /tell or join the Discord server below. We look forward to seeing you!

Visit Us!
Dynamis | Halicarnassus
Lavender Beds W26, P7